Who are the other Alex Heatons? That's a good question because I've never met one myself, but according to Google rankings these are the top 5.
- Alex Heaton (http://www.alexheaton.co.uk/)
This guys seems to be some kind of UK pumpkin head with a cutting edge circa 1998 Web site. I wonder what he's been up to for the last decade? Com'n Alex, my readers want to know. - Alexander Heaton (http://www.artshole.co.uk/alexanderheaton.htm)
Another UK art geek, who, according his artist statement, has tapped into the soothing power of alien imagery. "Alien structures counteract this fear [the fear of the fear of being exposed to the vastness of nature] by opposing the natural order and remind the viewer of distantly unreal spatial realms."
(Why are other Alex Heaton's such freaks?) - Alex Heaton (www.alexheatonracing.com)
By far the most bad ass Alex Heaton. This guy, also a brit, is a professional motorcycle racer, with his own coat of arms! - Alex Heaton (Your Truly)
Work related blog post http://windowsvistablog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2007/06/03/teched-2007-day-one-microsoft-desktop-optimization-pack-update.aspx - Alex Heaton (http://house.louisiana.gov/H_Reps/members.asp?ID=95)
The only Alex Heaton so far that wears a tie, also happens to be the most sleazy. This Alex Heaton is a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, representing New Orleans. Alex's claim to fame seems to be that he is faithful represenative for Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco, which I'm sure are the to most important issues facing the citizens of New Orleans. Poor Alex just had his bill to re-allow smoking in New Orleans's bars rejected http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4200/is_20070504/ai_n19064439. I remember a few years ago when I went to alexheaton.com it was a Web site bashing this guy for supporting Big Alcohol.
There you have it folks, the top 5 Alex Heaton's of August 2007, unless of course you use Live.com, which you should, in which case, I am numero uno!
You are a very smart person!
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Man, really want to know how can you be that smart, lol...great read, thanks.
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